Jul 28, 2010

Jul 26, 2010

Teeth; they're in your skull...

Teeth are in my head! They are like a warhead candy, though sour and bitter, you always come back for more. Unfortunately i'm aware of only two songs of theirs so I return time and time again to their myspace, longing for just one new tune. There is this weird lo-fi video of them on a webisode of the british troupe The Knocking Shop...

I may not be the first one to say this but it seems as though their music is somewhere between Crystal Castles and Heartsrevolution (maybe Teeth are a bit too punk to be compared to HR). So before I say for sure, the world needs more! On August 16th Teeth release their debut 7″ See Spaces through Moshi Moshi records, but alas, it seems that it will be available only in the UK. But for now enjoy their single "See Spaces" below...

Jul 22, 2010

Freedom Tunnel Reclaimed W/Street Art

ya'll remember dark days? Well that shanty town was evicted and the tunnel has been reclaimed but the residents left some fantastic art! Who wants to go exploring in this Moses Monstrosity this weekend?!

Filmed and cut by Carlito Brigante

fyi: check out this blog crustypunks for interesting biopics of various street travelers...

Jul 15, 2010

Flying Lotus- "MmmHmm" [vid]

Dir: Special Problems

Jul 12, 2010


This track has been burning a hole through my most played within the past month we here at SI have been on layaway! But we're back again, Louder than your face!
James Blake- "CMYK"

Jul 7, 2010

Breakbot- "Baby I'm Yours" video

This video is an amazing mix of motion graphics and mixed media

Jul 6, 2010


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