Joshua Callaghan is an L.A.-based artist who uses his education in cultural anthropology and the fine arts to create clever installations that serve as both art and a way to disguise undesirable city objects such as utility boxes. Check it out...
Like any self hating artist in the States, he is also a critique of American material culture. for his most recent exhibition at the bank gallery in LA, Callaghan pulled together found material to create abstract sculptures of graphs and charts mapping a variety of data. He uses both the found artifacts and the numbers to create a minimalist device by which to measure human behavior and culture. There are also some political undertones found in his work eluding to world population or world military spending.

(Right) Very Concerned, Somewhat concerned, Not at All Concerned, wood, paint, 4"x12"x50"
(Left)Military Spending by Nation, painted wood
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