Here we go... some good-ol'-fashion, academy style, creative process. this post details two great bands from Brooklyn, Telepathe and Effi Briest. Telepathe is remixing Effi Briest's "Mirror Rim" while Effi is covering the duo's biggest hit "Chrome's On It". Now I haven't had time to listen to Effi but it sounds like both bands are using peculiar arty sounds in their inspired re-interpretations.
Effi Briest- "Mirror Rim" (Telepathe Remix)
Effi Briest- "Chromes On It" (Telepathe Cover)
If all the so-called arty rock bands approached music with a sound this unusual and at the same time as enjoyable as these two bands have, maybe they'd start leaving art gallery soundtracks and actually start living off their music.
There is a 7" due out on the 8th of May - with these two bands on there ...nice...
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